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Use the exportData helper to generate csv and xls files without VirtualTable

import React from 'react'; 

import { exportData } from '@myunisoft/design-system'

const ExportButtonCSV = ({ data, columns }) => {
return (
onClick={() => exportData(data, columns, 'csv', 'my_filename')}
>Export to CSV</button>

export default ExportButtonCSV;


Here are the arguments to pass to the helper.

exportData(rows, columns, format, filename, tableRefs, options)


The rows argument is an array of Row object. It's corresponding to the data property of the VirtualTable.

interface Row {
[key: string]: string|number|boolean|null;


The columns argument is an array of Column object. It's a light version of the config.columns property of the VirtualTable.

interface Column {
header: string;
key: string;
renderExport?: string|number|(() => string|number);
typeCell?: string


The values pdf and print are used for the VirtualTable. Avoid using it for the moment.

type ExportFormat = 'csv' | 'xls' | 'pdf' | 'print'


The tableRefs is used for the VirtualTable. Avoid using it for the moment.


interface ExportOptions {
delimiter?: ','|';';
rowsFilter?: (Row) => boolean;