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This class help to deal with Line Filters

The line filter expression does a distributed grep over the aggregated logs from the matching log streams. It searches the contents of the log line, discarding those lines that do not match the case-sensitive expression.

Each line filter expression has a filter operator followed by text or a regular expression. These filter operators are supported:

  • |=: Log line contains string
  • !=: Log line does not contain string
  • |~: Log line contains a match to the regular expression
  • !~: Log line does not contain a match to the regular expression
type LineFilterOperator = "lineContains" | "lineDoesNotContain" | "lineContainsRegexMatch" | "lineDoesNotContainRegexMatch";

class LineFilters extends Map<LineFilterOperator, string[]> {}


The LineFilters class extend from JavaScript Map Object.


constructor(init?: string | LineFilters)

Initializes a new instance of the LineFilters class with an optional LogQL query string.

Available init types are:

  • string - Create an instance of LineFilters given a LogQL query to parse.
  • LineFilters - Create an instance of LineFilters based on another LineFilters class.

add(value: string, operator: LineFilterOperator = "lineContains"): LineFilters

Register a new line filter expression.
Operator can be one of lineContains, lineDoesNotContain, lineContainsRegexMatch, lineDoesNotContainRegexMatch.

lineContains(): string[]

Get each lineContains expressions.

lineDoesNotContain(): string[]

Get each lineDoesNotContain expressions.

lineContainsRegexMatch(): string[]

Get each lineContainsRegexMatch expressions.

lineDoesNotContainRegexMatch(): string[]

Get each lineDoesNotContainRegexMatch expressions.

toString(): string

Converts the LineFilters instance into a partial LogQL query string. Returns a string representing the partial LogQL query.