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async function morphix(
  template: string,
  data: Record<string, any> | unknown[],
  options: MorphixOptions = {}
): Promise<string>

template Type: string

Text with placeholders for data properties.

data Type: object | unknown[]

Data to interpolate into template.

The keys should be a valid JS identifier or number (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).

options Type: object

ignoreMissing Type: boolean Default: false

By default, Morphix throws a MissingValueError when a placeholder resolves to undefined. With this option set to true, it simply ignores it and leaves the placeholder as is.

transform Type: (data: { value: unknown; key: string }) => unknown (default: ({value}) => value))

Performs arbitrary operation for each interpolation. If the returned value was undefined, it behaves differently depending on the ignoreMissing option. Otherwise, the returned value will be interpolated into a string and embedded into the template.

MissingValueError Exposed for instance checking.


interface MorphixOptions {
    transform?: (data: {
        value: unknown;
        key: string;
    }) => unknown;
    ignoreMissing?: boolean;