Global (Provider)
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
config | object | Yes | See config prop | |
customFooter | Component | No | If defined, the component is mounted after the default tFooter. To hide the default Footer, set config.hasFooter to false | |
customHeader | Component | No | If defined, the component is mounted above the default Header. To hide the default Header, set config.hasHeader to false | |
data | array | Yes | ||
defaultSelectedRows | array | No | [] | The rows selected on VirtualTable initialization. |
handleRowsToDelete | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when the Delete button is clicked. It returns the selected rows. If the function is async, resolving it'll unselect the rows, while rejecting it'll keep the selection intact. |
handleValidateAdd | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when the Save button is clicked. It returns the newly created rows. |
handleValidateEdit | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when the Save button is clicked. It returns the edited rows. |
isEdit | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when table's content changes, it returns a boolean based on whether at least once cell has been modified. |
maxHeight | string | number | No | 600px | The maximum height of the VirtualTable. |
onColumnsChange | func | No | See Event | |
onFilterChange | func | No | See Event | |
onFocusChange | func | No | Callback fired when the focus changes inside the VT. It receives an object as only argument: { from: [ rowIndex, columnIndex], to: [ rowIndex, columnIdex ] } . | |
onRowClick | func | No | See Event | |
onRowContextMenu | func | No | See Event | |
selectRows | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when a row is selected/unselected. It returns the list of selected rows. |
tableKeyName | string | Yes | String used to created unique IDs in the VirtualTable components. | |
widthTable | string | number | No | 100% | The width of the VirtualTable. |
columnsConfig | object | No | See columnsConfig prop |
Config prop
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
actionsButton | array | No | [] | Array of actionButton passed to a MenuItem component |
addOneByOne | bool | No | false | If true , only one "New line" can be created at a time. |
addRowLabel | string | No | + Ajouter une ligne | Define label of addRow button |
alwaysInEdition | bool | No | false | If true , all line are selected to be editable. |
columns | array | No | [] | Array of column . |
customButtons | array | No | [] | Array of customButton passed to a InlineButton component. |
customSelectionHeader | Component | No | Overrides the Toolbar component | |
defaultOrder | string | No | Define default order being key of one column sortable of the table | |
defaultOrderDirection | asc | desc | No | asc | Define default order direction |
dynamicHeight | bool | No | true | Influences the table height calculation. |
enableColumnEdition | bool | No | true | Enable the posibility to hide/display columns. |
exportFilename | string | No | export | Name of the exported file. |
fixedColumns | number | No | 0 | Number of right fixed columns. |
footerStyle | object | No | {} | Object used to override the default style of the footerContainer. |
hasFooter | bool | No | false | If true , the Footer is activated. |
hasHeader | bool | No | true | If true , the Header is activated. |
hasSearchbar | bool | No | false | If true , the SearchBar is activated. |
headerHeight | number | No | 32 | Defines the Header component height. The wrapHeaderText prop need to be true . |
hideCheckbox | bool | Func | No | false | If true , the checkbox column is hidden (even in interactive mode). If Func checkbox is visible in fuction of ({ rowIndex, row }) ) |
hideStateActions | bool | No | false | If true , the save and cancel buttons are hidden. |
hideToolbar | bool | No | false | If true , the toolbar is hidden (even in interactive mode). |
insertPosition | top | bottom | No | top | Define the AddLine component position. It can be placed before or after the cells part. |
minCellWidth | number | No | 100 | Minimum width of the cells. |
modeAdd | bool | No | false | If true , the add mode is activated |
modeDelete | bool | No | false | If true , the delete mode is activated |
modeEdit | bool | No | false | If true , the edit mode is activated |
modeGroup | bool | No | false | If true , the VirtualTable processes the data as group |
onCustomAdd | func | No | Callback fired when the Add button is clicked. | |
onCustomOrderChange | func | No | Callback fired when we click on column header to sort the data. | |
onFocusChange | func | No | Callback fired when the focus changes inside the VT. It receives an object as only argument: { from: [ rowIndex, columnIndex], to: [ rowIndex, columnIdex ] } . | |
onKeyDown | func | No | Callback fired when a keydown event is triggered inside the VT. It receives an three arguments: the event object, the rowIndex and the columnIndex. | |
rowHeight | number | No | 32 | Defines the rows height. |
selectableRowKey | string | No | id | The data array primary key. |
selectableRow | bool | No | false | If true , a selection counter is displayed. |
selectableOnlyOneRow | bool | No | false | If true , only one row can be selected at a time. |
spaceBetween | number | No | 2 | The gutters size in px. |
wrapHeaderText | bool | No | false | Activates text wrapping on header cells. |
isHighlightOnHover | bool | No | false | Highlight editable cells on hover |
subDataKey | string | No | "subData" | Key to access of arrya of sub data. |
isSubLevels | boolean | No | false | Set sub levels mode fot VT. |
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
label | string | Yes | String passed as a children to the MenuItem component. | |
onClick | func | Yes | Callback fired when the MenuItem is clicked. It receives the rows as only argument. | |
disabled | bool | no | false | If true, the MenuItem is disabled. |
icon | Component | no | If defined, the component is inserted before the label . |
The customButton
extends the InlineButton
buttons property shape. The following properties are intercepted to pass arguments.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
isDisable | func | No | () => false | Function whose returned value is passed to the disabled prop. It receives an object as only argument. |
onClick | func | No | () => {} | Callback fired when the button is clicked. It receives the rows as only argument. |
Column common properties
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
alignText | left | center | right | No | left | The cell content alignment. This is applied to the header, body and footer part. |
alignVertical | top | center | bottom | No | center | The cell content vertical alignment. This is applied to the header, body and footer part. |
editable | bool | No | false | If true , the cell content can be edited in edit mode. |
footerStyle | object | No | {} | Object used to override the default style of the footer cell. |
footerValue | string | func | No | Element to display inside the footerCell or a function that returns a Element. This function receives the whole data object as unique argument. | |
hasContextMenu | bool | No | false | If true , activated the ContextMenu wrapper component. |
header | string | No | '' | The column title. |
isDisabled | func | No | () => false | If the function returns true , the input is disabled. The function receives the row data as uniq argument |
key | string | Yes | Unique key used as a column identifier. | |
listActionContextMenu | array | No | [] | List used to fill the ContextMenu component. |
noFooter | bool | No | false | If true , the footer cell is not rendered. |
showLockInfo | bool | No | false | If true , the cell content is still displayed when the line is secured. |
size | number | No | The grid column value. | |
sortable | bool | No | If true , the column is sortable with a basic algorythm. If false , the column is not sortable. If not undefined, the column is sortable when the type is one of the following: amount , number , string . | |
onMouseLeave | func | No | Apply the onMouseLeave handler to the column cells | |
onMouseEnter | func | No | Apply the onMouseEnter handler to the column cells | |
tooltipDetail | func | No | Display the returned string as a tooltip. Is overridden by tooltipError if defined. | |
tooltipError | func | No | Display the returned string as a error tooltip. | |
tooltipFooter | string | No | If defined, the footerCell is wrapped into a Tooltip with the value of tooltipFooter as text. | |
typeCell | TypeCell | func | No | string | Rendered cell type. If a function is passed, it receives the rowData as unique argument. |
typeFooter | sum | amount | No | Apply the predefined cell type to the footer. | |
width | number | No | The width of the column in px. | |
withLockIcon | bool | No | false | If true , a locker icon appears at on the left of the cell when the line is secured. |
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
label | string | Yes | The displayed label. | |
action | func | Yes | Function called on item click. | |
disabled | (object) => bool | No | false | Function used to dynamically and conditionnaly disabled option. |
itemProps | object | No | {} | Object spreads to the MenuItem component. |
columnsConfig prop
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
draggable | bool | No | false | If true , the columns is draggable |
config | array | Yes | Array of column . | |
data | array | Yes | ||
handleValidate | () => {} | No | Callback fired when the Save button is clicked. It returns updated rows | |
columnCreation | bool | No | false | Enable the column creation mode |
columnSelection | bool | No | false | Enable the column selection mode, work with 'selectable' columns |