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start(location?: string, options?: StartOptions): Promise<ToadScheduler>

Run Sigyn agent. It will fetch logs depending your rules polling and send alerts when count threshold is reached.

  • location: string Optional, default to process.cwd(). The path to your SQLite database, it will create the file if it doesn't exists but the directory must exists.
  • options.logger: Logger Optional, default to pino. You can use your own logger which must be an object with theses 3 methods: debug, info & error.
  • options.level Optional, only works if no logger given. Set log level: "info" | "debug" | "error".
  • options.timeout Optional, you can provide a timeout for Grafana API requests. Default: 30_000.

The returned scheduler instance allow you to put some extra logic if needed, see API for scheduler.

🖋️ Interfaces

interface Logger {
  info: (message: string) => void;
  error: (message: string) => void;
  debug: (message: string) => void;

interface StartOptions {
  logger?: Logger;
  level?: "info" | "debug" | "error";
  timeout?: number;