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Getting Started

Once you have installed the Sigyn agent and setup your environment variables, there is a few more steps to get started.

Prepare your notification webhook

Before you start using Sigyn, you need to have a notification webhook. This webhook will be used to send notifications to your preferred platform. Sigyn is compatible with Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.

For instance, if you wanna use Discord, you can follow the steps below:

  • Go to you server Settings
  • APPS > Integrations > Webhooks then choose or create your webhook
  • You'll need to copy the webhook url to put it in the config later.
  • Install the Discord notifier package using your favorite package manager:
    npm install @sigyn/discord
    pnpm install @sigyn/discord
    yarn add @sigyn/discord

Refers to the notifiers documentation for more options.

Create your first configuration

We'll create the configuration JSON file in a /config/ directory. This will be useful later because you can extends the root config with multiple files.

Let's create /config/sigyn.config.json with the following content:

  "grafana": {
    "apiUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
  "loki": {
    "apiUrl": "http://localhost:3100",
  "notifiers": {
    "discord": {
      "notifier": "discord",
      "webhookUrl": ""
  "rules": [
      "name": "My Awesome rule",
      "logql": "{app=\"foo\", env=\"preprod\"} |= `my awesome query`",
      "alert": {
        "on": {
          "count": "10",
          "interval": "5m"
        "template": {
          "title": "{ruleName} - Triggered {counter} times!",
          "content": [
            "- LogQL: {logql}",
            "- Threshold: {count}",
            "- Interval: {interval}",
            "- [See logs on Grafana]({lokiUrl})"
  • grafana.apiUrl is the Grafana API URL, usually localhost:3000 locally.

  • loki.apiUrl is the Loki API URL, usually localhost:3100 locally.

  • notifiers is an object with the notifiers you want to use. In this case, we are using Discord.

    • Don't forget to replace the webhookUrl with your own.
    • the discord key (notifiers.discord) is the notifier name, it's used to link the rule to the notifier. The "notifier": "discord" refers the notifier package. This allow to have multiple notifiers of the same type.


      "notifier": "discord" is a "notifier": "@sigyn/discord" shortcut. When using Sigyn notifiers, the @sigyn/ prefix is optional.

  • rules is an array of rules representing the core of Sigyn configuration.

    • name is the rule name.
    • logql is the LogQL query you want to fetch logs with.
    • alert is the alert configuration.
      • on is the condition to trigger the alert.
        • count is the number of logs to trigger the alert.
        • interval is the interval to count the logs.
      • template is the alert template to send to the notifier.
        • {ruleName} will be replaced by the rule name.
        • {counter} will be replaced by the number of logs.
        • {logql} will be replaced by the LogQL query.
        • {count} will be replaced by the count threshold.
        • {interval} will be replaced by the interval.
        • {lokiUrl} will be replaced by the Loki URL.
        • NOTE

          Sigyn notifiers will formats theses values, for instance {logql} will be formatted as a code block.


There are much more options available in the configuration, please see the config documentation for more details.

Here wo go!

Now that you have your configuration ready, you can create the main file to start Sigyn.


// Import Node.js Dependencies
import path from "node:path";

// Import Third-party Dependencies
import { start } from "@sigyn/agent";

start(path.join(process.cwd(), "config"));

You can now run your script with Node.js and see the magic happening!

node index.js