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There is 2 sorts of templates you can configure with Sigyn:

  1. Root templates, theses templates are useful to be used or referenced by notifications templates.
  2. Notifications templates, theses concernes rules, composite rules & self monitoring.

Both can be setting up with an object as following:

extendsstringThe template to extends from.
titlestringThe title of the notification template.
contentstring[] or objectThe content of the notification template. It can be an object when extending another template (using extends)
content.beforestring[]The content of the notification template to add after the extended template's content
content.afterstring[]The content of the notification template to add before the extended template's content index indicating where the new content should be added. Negative index works i.e. -1 mean "before the last line" specific content line to be included at the provided index.


Either one of title or content is required.


Extending templates can be nested: a root template can be extended from another root template.


When extending another template, title & content will simply replace the base template property. (except content if an object is provided which allow to update the extended template content)


You can use any of theses variables (both in title & content), surrounding with {} (see example below):

  • ruleName
  • logql
  • count (count of logs retrievied within the interval)
  • counter
  • threshold (alert.on.count)
  • interval
  • lokiUrl
  • labelCount (count label based rules)
  • labelMatchCount (label based rules)
  • labelMatchPercent (percent label based rules)


You can use hyperlink with Markdown i.e. [See logs]({lokiUrl}).

For self-monitoring, you can use theses variables, surrounding with {}:

  • agentFailure.errors which is equal to the joined error messages
  • agentFailure.rules which is equal to the joined failed rules

For composite rules, you can use theses variables, surrounding with {}:

  • compositeRuleName
  • label which includes each combined labels from all rules
  • rules joined rules names

You can also use a label variable from your LogQL using {label.x}:

  "logql": "{app=\"foo\", env=\"preprod\"} |= `my super logql`",
  "template": {
    "content": [
      "app: {} | env: {label.env}"

You can also use any variable extracted from stream vector.